Custom EPiServer key value property with support for predefined keys Shows how to install and use a custom dictionary-like EPiServer property
episerver Custom Episerver routes without using the querystring - IPartialRouter I will show you how to easily bind parameters to your action methods without using the querystring
episerver EPiServer Injected AllowedTypes/AvailableContentTypes Shows how to inject AllowedTypes and AvailableContentTypes in EPiServer when the contenttypes doesn't know about each other
letsencrypt Moving a Ghost blog from http to https with letsencrypt! Quick writeup about my experience of moving my personal Ghost blog from http to https. Shows how to fix some common problems, like migrating Disqus threads
c-sharp C# MVC with Feature Folders, EPiServer example Showing how to use Feature Folders together with C# MVC. Using a EPiServer project to demonstrate the structure