httpclient Testing your Polly policies Polly enables you to configure policies to handle different error scenarios when sending http requests. I show you how you can test these policies.
dotnet EF Core - Add a test to ensure that you don't forget to add new migrations Add a test that reminds you to create migrations (if you've forgotten).
testing-your-dotnet-applications Using a real Postgres database in your GitHub CI pipeline Shows how to use a Postgres database when running your tests in GitHub actions
dotnet Testing your ASP.NET Core application - using a real database Second post in my "testing your dotnet application" series. This post will focus on using a real database when testing our application
dotnet Testing your dotnet applications - Boilerplate First post in a series that will show you different ways of how to test your ASP.NET/Dotnet Core applications. This post shows a simple integration test for an API endpoint