dotnet Protect yourself when deserializing - System.Text.Json When dealing with deserialization of JSON, it's always a good idea to validate that it in fact deserialized correctly. But, how do you do that using System.Text.Json?
dotnet Testing your dotnet applications - Boilerplate First post in a series that will show you different ways of how to test your ASP.NET/Dotnet Core applications. This post shows a simple integration test for an API endpoint
jos.enumeration Enumeration class in C# using records Let's see if we can optimize the Enumeration class provided by Microsoft in "eShopOnContainers"...
dotnet C# - Tips and Tricks 01 - Covariant return types Use covariant returns to override the return types of properties and/or methods
c-sharp Using records when implementing the builder pattern in C# Here I'm showing some alternative ways of implementing the builder pattern by using regular classes, records and the new init keyword