c-sharp Use the implicit operator to reduce noise in your code This post demonstrates how to simplify cache key handling in C# by using typed objects and the implicit conversion operator, allowing automatic string conversion without manual method calls.
dotnet EF Core - Add a test to ensure that you don't forget to add new migrations Add a test that reminds you to create migrations (if you've forgotten).
jos.enumeration JOS.Enumeration - System.Text.Json support Custom JsonConverter that only writes the integer value of our Enumeration class. It also supports deserialization by only supplying the Enumeration value.
jos.enumeration JOS.Enumeration - store in database (EF Core and Dapper) Adds support for storing JOS.Enumeration values in a database using EF Core and/or Dapper.
c-sharp Prefix IDistributedCache keys By using the decorator pattern we can handle prefixing of IDistributedCache keys in a single place