c-sharp System.Text.Json and immutable types - Deserialization This post shows how to serialize and deserialize immutable C# domain objects without using any attributes.
asp.net core Don't let ASP.NET Core set empty strings to null when posting forms This post highlights how ASP.NET Core converts empty strings to null in form submissions and demonstrates how to prevent this behavior.
c-sharp Use the implicit operator to reduce noise in your code This post demonstrates how to simplify cache key handling in C# by using typed objects and the implicit conversion operator, allowing automatic string conversion without manual method calls.
dotnet EF Core - Add a test to ensure that you don't forget to add new migrations Add a test that reminds you to create migrations (if you've forgotten).
jos.enumeration JOS.Enumeration - System.Text.Json support Custom JsonConverter that only writes the integer value of our Enumeration class. It also supports deserialization by only supplying the Enumeration value.