dotnet Testing your ASP.NET Core application - using a real database Second post in my "testing your dotnet application" series. This post will focus on using a real database when testing our application
dotnet Testing your dotnet applications - Boilerplate First post in a series that will show you different ways of how to test your ASP.NET/Dotnet Core applications. This post shows a simple integration test for an API endpoint core Model bind multiple sources to a single class in ASP.NET Core How to model bind multiple sources to a single class
postgres Gotcha when using Postgres, NodaTime, Ef Core and Dapper We had a really annoying bug regarding NodaTime and Dapper. Our integration tests worked but not when calling the API via Postman...
httpclient HttpClient - DelegatingHandler - Correlation Id Shows two different ways of forwarding correlation ids when using HttpClient in dotnet core