httpclient You're (probably still) using HttpClient wrong and it is destabilizing your software I try to optimize the fetching and deserialization of data in dotnet core as much as possible. HttpClientFactory and streams are my best friends
c-sharp Get dot-notation of C# property/member Shows how to generate a dot-notation path from a C# property/expression
episerver Headless Episerver? Meet JOS.Epi.ContentApi I read this blog post by Mathias Kunto where he says that he will leave my beloved library behind and start using the new Episerver Headless API instead
episerver How to configure Episerver to use Active Directory This is a quick guide showing how to configure Episerver to use Active Directory instead of Multiplexing/WindowsProvider
episerver Customizing PropertyHandlers in JOS.ContentSerializer Shows how to easily replace a built in PropertyHandler