New features

Support for more built in properties

The following properties are now supported out of the box:

  • BlockData
  • bool
  • double
  • ContentArea
  • ContentReference
  • DateTime
  • IEnumerable<ContentReference>
  • int
  • LinkItemCollection
  • PageReference
  • PageType
  • string[]
  • string SelectOne/SelectMany support.
  • Url
  • XhtmlString
  • NEW IEnumerable<string> ICollection/IList works as well
  • NEW IEnumerable<int> ICollection/IList works as well
  • NEW IEnumerable<double> ICollection/IList works as well
  • NEW IEnumerable<DateTime> ICollection/IList works as well

Easier to add support for custom properties

The old solution to add support for custom properties sucked. I've rebuilt it from scratch.

You're using the property Jos.PropertyKeyValueList on your StartPage like this.

public class StartPage : PageData
    public virtual string Heading { get; set; }
    public virtual IEnumerable<KeyValueItem> KeyValueItems{ get; set; }

Now, if you call .ToJson on a StartPage instance you would only get the Heading property in the json output since IEnumerable<KeyValueItem> isn't handled out of the box.

    "heading" : "Where is my KeyValueItems??"

To add support for it, first create a new class that implements the IPropertyHandler<> interface

public class KeyValueItemListPropertyHandler : IPropertyHandler<IEnumerable<KeyValueItem>>
    public object Handle(IEnumerable<KeyValueItem> value, PropertyInfo property, IContentData contentData)
        // Do whatever you want with the property here.
        return value;

Then register your class in your DI container.

public class MyConfigurationModule : IConfigurableModule
    public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
    context.Services.AddSingleton<IPropertyHandler<IEnumerable<KeyValueItem>>, KeyValueItemListPropertyHandler>();

Now, if you would call .ToJson again on your StartPage instance, you would see the following output.

    "heading": "Where is my KeyValueItems??",
    "keyValueItems": [
            "key": "Some key",
            "value": "Hello there"
            "key": "Another key",
            "value": "Another value!"

Easier to extend/replace built in PropertyHandlers

Say that you, for some reason, want all strings to return "JOSEF OTTOSSON!!" instead of their actual value.

Just create a new propertyhandler for strings like this.

public class JosefStringPropertyHandler : IPropertyHandler<string>
    public object Handle(string value, PropertyInfo property, IContentData contentData)
        return "JOSEF OTTOSSON!!";

Then swap out the default StringPropertyHandler in the DI container like this:

context.Services.AddSingleton<IPropertyHandler<string>, JosefStringPropertyHandler>();

Custom PropertyHandler for specific property

It's possible to specify which PropertyHandler to use by adding the ContentSerializerPropertyHandlerAttribute on the desired property.
NOTE, this is currently an experimental feature, it works, but I've had no time to write tests yet, so consider it a BETA until further notice ;)

Added a __type__ property to contentarea items

I've added a property to all contentarea items named __type__.
It will be added automatically to the json output. It looks like this:

"mainContentArea": {
    "jumbotronBlock": [{
        "heading": "Wherever you meet!",
        "__type__": "JumbotronBlock"
    "teaserBlock": [{
    "heading": "Alloy Plan",
    "__type__": "TeaserBlock"

It's possible to change the property name by setting the BlockTypePropertyName(just realised that that name sucks, will fix it in the next release) property in the IContentSerializerSettings.

Breaking changes

  • All PropertyHandler interfaces are gone(IStringPropertyHandler, IStringArrayPropertyHandler and so on). Use IPropertyHandler<> instead.
  • ContentReferenceSettings has been removed, use IUrlSettings instead.
  • Added MIT License.
  • ContentAreaPropertyHandler now uses .FilteredItems instead of .Items.

As always, all code can be found on Github