c-sharp Prefix IDistributedCache keys By using the decorator pattern we can handle prefixing of IDistributedCache keys in a single place
dotnet Prefix your http requests without touching the actual HttpClient code Prefix your http calls without modifying the actual HttpClient code using a custom DelegatingHandler
testing-your-dotnet-applications Using a real Postgres database in your GitHub CI pipeline Shows how to use a Postgres database when running your tests in GitHub actions
dotnet Testing your ASP.NET Core application - using a real database Second post in my "testing your dotnet application" series. This post will focus on using a real database when testing our application
dotnet Protect yourself when deserializing - System.Text.Json When dealing with deserialization of JSON, it's always a good idea to validate that it in fact deserialized correctly. But, how do you do that using System.Text.Json?