c-sharp Use the implicit operator to reduce noise in your code This post demonstrates how to simplify cache key handling in C# by using typed objects and the implicit conversion operator, allowing automatic string conversion without manual method calls.
dotnet UnsafeAccessor is my new best friend How can you access a private field using both Reflection and the new UnsafeAccessor approach introduced in .NET 8, and what are the benefits in terms of performance and code reduction?
dotnet Act on a Task as soon as it's completed with Task.WhenEach Task.WhenEach allows us to act on a collection of tasks as they finish.
asp.net core Append correlation id to all log entries in ASP.NET Core The ASP.NET Core logging provider finally has built-in support for enriching logs. I show you how to append a correlation id to all your log entries.
dotnet C# - Tips and Tricks 03 - Use static initialization Static initialization can help make your code a bit more readable and at the same time give you a performance boost, a win-win.