Previously, I used Serilog to append a correlation ID to all my logs, like this:

public class LoggingCorrelationIdMiddleware : IMiddleware
    private const string CorrelationIdPropertyName = "correlationId";

    private readonly IGetCorrelationIdQuery _getCorrelationIdQuery;

    public LoggingCorrelationIdMiddleware(IGetCorrelationIdQuery getCorrelationIdQuery)
        _getCorrelationIdQuery =
            getCorrelationIdQuery ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(getCorrelationIdQuery));

    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
        var correlationId = _getCorrelationIdQuery.Execute();
        using(LogContext.PushProperty(CorrelationIdPropertyName, correlationId))
            await next(context);

This custom middleware utilizes LogContext.PushProperty to add the correlation ID to all log entries. However, LogContext is specific to Serilog.

I've been a heavy Serilog user for as long as I can remember, mainly because Microsoft's own logging package has been subpar.

Anyway, now that I've started a new project, I wanted to see if there's a built-in way to achieve the same thing without Serilog.

And it turns out, there is!

In my freshly created ASP.NET Core application, my Program.cs looks like this (showing only the relevant logging parts):

using JOS.Configuration;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddPocoOptions<LoggingOptions>("Logging", builder.Configuration, out var loggingOptions);

var app = builder.Build();


AddLogging is a custom extension on ILoggingBuilder that looks like this:

public static ILoggingBuilder AddLogging(this ILoggingBuilder builder, LoggingOptions loggingOptions)
    builder = builder.ClearProviders();
        builder.AddJsonConsole(options =>
            options.IncludeScopes = true;
            options.UseUtcTimestamp = true;
            options.JsonWriterOptions = options.JsonWriterOptions with { Indented = false };
        builder.AddSimpleConsole(options =>
            options.SingleLine = true;
            options.ColorBehavior = loggingOptions.LogColor
                ? LoggerColorBehavior.Enabled
                : LoggerColorBehavior.Disabled;
            options.UseUtcTimestamp = true;

    return builder;

The important bits here is the builder.EnableEnrichment() and builder.Services.AddLogEnricher<CorrelationIdLogEnricher> calls.

To access these methods, one needs to reference the Microsoft.Extensions.Telemetry nuget package.


public class ActivityCorrelationIdLogEnricher : ILogEnricher
    private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;

    public ActivityCorrelationIdLogEnricher(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
        _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpContextAccessor));

    public void Enrich(IEnrichmentTagCollector collector)
        var httpContext = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
        if(httpContext is not null)
            var httpActivityFeature = httpContext.Features.GetRequiredFeature<IHttpActivityFeature>();
            var activity = httpActivityFeature.Activity;

            var correlationId = activity.GetTagItem("correlationId");
            if(correlationId is not null)
                collector.Add("correlationId", correlationId);

This enricher, implementing the ILogEnricher interface, extracts the correlation ID from the current Activity, which is populated by the CorrelationIdMiddleware.

Speaking of which, here's the implementation of the CorrelationIdMiddleware:


public class CorrelationIdMiddleware : IMiddleware
    private readonly IProblemDetailsService _problemDetailsService;

    public CorrelationIdMiddleware(IProblemDetailsService problemDetailsService)
        _problemDetailsService = problemDetailsService;

    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
        if(context.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Correlation-Id", out var values))
            var correlationId = values.First()!;
            if(correlationId.Length > 128)
                var problemDetails = new ValidationErrorProblemDetails
                    Detail = "CorrelationId exceeded max length of 128 chars"
                var problemDetailsContext = new ProblemDetailsContext
                    HttpContext = context, ProblemDetails = problemDetails
                await _problemDetailsService.WriteAsync(problemDetailsContext);

            context.TraceIdentifier = correlationId;

        var activityFeature = context.Features.GetRequiredFeature<IHttpActivityFeature>();
        var activity = activityFeature.Activity;
        activity.AddTag("correlationId", context.TraceIdentifier);
        await next(context);

This middleware enables callers to provide their own correlation ID through the X-Correlation-Id header. If a valid header value is supplied, the middleware updates the TraceIdentifier within the current HttpContext and attaches a corresponding tag to the current Activity. This ensures seamless propagation of the correlation ID throughout the logging context.


Before enrichment

As you can see, no correlation id is logged.

        "EventId": 0,
        "LogLevel": "Information",
        "Category": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware",
        "Message": "Executing endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
        "State": {
            "Message": "Executing endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
            "EndpointName": "HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle",
            "{OriginalFormat}": "Executing endpoint \u0027{EndpointName}\u0027"
        "EventId": 1,
        "LogLevel": "Information",
        "Category": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware",
        "Message": "Executed endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
        "State": {
            "Message": "Executed endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
            "EndpointName": "HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle",
            "{OriginalFormat}": "Executed endpoint \u0027{EndpointName}\u0027"

After enrichment

correlationId is added to the State object.

        "EventId": 0,
        "LogLevel": "Information",
        "Category": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware",
        "Message": "Executing endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
        "State": {
            "Message": "Executing endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
            "EndpointName": "HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle",
            "{OriginalFormat}": "Executing endpoint \u0027{EndpointName}\u0027",
            "correlationId": "0HN35Q6SQ5PMT:0000000F"
        "EventId": 1,
        "LogLevel": "Information",
        "Category": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware",
        "Message": "Executed endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
        "State": {
            "Message": "Executed endpoint \u0027HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle\u0027",
            "EndpointName": "HTTP: GET /health =\u003E Handle",
            "{OriginalFormat}": "Executed endpoint \u0027{EndpointName}\u0027",
            "correlationId": "0HN35Q6SQ5PMT:0000000F"